Creating a Revenue Generating Membership Site

If you’re interested in creating an income online, then chances are you’ve been doing a little research and you’ve heard that the new type of website that is producing money and growing in popularity is the membership site. This type of site is one of the best ways to make money online.
It is a website like other sites but differs in that you specialize in a certain topic and have quality information regarding that particular topic and will let readers have access to that topic for a certain membership fee or in some cases just for signing up and letting you send them information to their email.
These people pay you a recurring fee either on a monthly, bi monthly, bi-yearly, or yearly basis. If you continue to add valuable information to the site these people will remain members to your site thereby creating passive and recurring revenue for you. These same people may even promote your site and cause others to join as well.
What Kind of Information Works on a Membership Site?
Whether you know it or not you are a specialist in some field, and when you have a wealth of knowledge in a certain area, you usually just tell your friends and maybe your family so they can “ooohh and aaaaaaaaahh” at your accomplishments (this usually happens about once a year at Christmas time), or you can turn that knowledge into revenue. So if you are an expert in Karate, Baking Chocolate chip cookies, chauffeuring the kids around town, or even reading novels, you can make money with that knowledge by creating a membership site that caters to people that are looking for an expert in the field.
The problem is that when you start a website in your field of expertise and don’t really understand the basics of internet marketing then you are setting yourself up for failure and you might as well not have even started in the first place. That’s why it is important to do your research and learn about internet marketing before embarking on your membership site.
The first thing you should do is find out everything you can about starting a membership site. Read about other successful membership sites and what they did to make their site a success.
After all you are already an expert in the area you are targeting and that is the most important part, but most people forget the second part to being a successful membership site owner, and that is to become an expert in the field and learn how to market yourself online. For example, did you know you can offer your members free eBooks they can download, or a free newsletter. Actually they are not really free because the member is paying his fee, plus you can market other affiliate products on the site or through the newsletter and companies will pay you a commission for selling their products.
Why are Membership Sites Hot?
Imagine if you charge $10 per month for each new member and you add 30 new members a month, that’s one new member a day. This means you earn $300 the first month and $600 the second month and $900 the third month and your revenue just keeps increasing. Now imagine if you had two more membership sites?
You get the idea! This is why membership sites are so hot among Internet marketers. Plus you can add more profit on top by adding affiliate marketing products, etc, etc.
Consumers Love Membership Sites
Not only are membership sites hot with Internet marketers but consumers like them as well. They get all the information they need on a particular topic without having to do endless searches on the Internet. It is much more convenient and easier for them.
All in all membership sites are a win – win situation for everyone. You get the sales you need, the passive income you need and the member gets the information he or she knows.


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