Avoid the common traps in blogging

Are you one of those that do not yet have the capability of blogging to help your business? Then, you are way behind all the others.

Professional and small businesses alike have already taken their marketing into blogs to communicate and keep in touch with their target customers and consumers alike.

You may have heard about it already. How people already have their own blog sites and how they work successfully with their niche market. Reports have also shown how their profits have been boosted because of blogging. These and among other things are enough for you to jump up and start blogging right away.

What you may not know about is that there are also many bloggers who have fallen into some of the pitfalls of blogging when they first started their own. And take note, these are the same persons who are so good in running their business.

Now, the question. Why do this competitive and successful people fall short when it comes to blogging?

The answer? Blog pitfalls. Not knowing what are these and how to best avoid them.

What are some of the pitfalls in blogging that you need to be aware of to ensure you do not make the same mistakes that others have fallen into.

1. Writing nonsense instead of writing answers to questions your consumers have. You have not undergone keyword search or asked your clients what they want to know first. And you may be thinking that blogs are just like diaries online.

With this beliefs, all you write about is you, your life and other related details. You are actually drifting away from your target. And you are contradicting the business building tool capability of your blog.

2. You pretend to be an expert in order to build more credibility but in reality, you do not have any idea about the blogging software you are using. You can blame this part on the new technology being used on blogging that you are not an expert on. But that is not reason enough.

You need to research and learn more about how to use your blog features before you even start one. Get to know how to make use of your blogs for visibility and accessibility over the Internet. Have a basic knowledge about trackbacks and permanent link features. They will prove important and necessary.

3. No blog category. The readers are confused about what topics are you writing about. They do not have any idea what they are getting into. They probably would not even attempt to find yours if they have to guess first what it is you are trying to say.

What is your main message? Your focus? What will be in your blog that your readers can benefit from? Try to answer these questions.

4. Your blog does not reflect you and your business. Your blog is a mess and your customers cannot seem to find any similarity between your blog and your business.

Your blog should be an extension of your business. Make your customers feel like they are doing business with you in the comfortable ambiance of your office. Your blogs should reflect your business image.

5. You have no idea about other blogs in the same field. You do not spend time looking at other blogs to see what is being written about and to see the strategies that others are using. You do not know what is happening on the market.

Blogging takes commitments. You have to let your readers know that you are present and that they are able to contact you through your blogs. Give some of your time to your blogs.

6. Your blogs have no appropriate contents posted. If all you ever have in your blogs are advertising and marketing about your products, expect your customers to get bored, go away and never come back. They have had enough of sales being presented to them.
Spare them the sales talk. Try to write something not about what you are offering. Find other related topics you can talk about.

7. You have not visited your blog site for some time. One of the sins in blogging is not updating what is written. Expect to lose the traffic you have been getting.

If you are not doing anything about your blog, why have one in the first place?