Google Adsense: Using Google Adsense Without a Complete Website and Promoting Your Blog to Earn Money Through the Program

Can I use the Google Adsense Program if I Do Not Have a Personal Website?

You don’t have to have your own website to use Google Adsense. Google doesn’t usually approve personal pages but that is not written in stone. Consult Google Adsense support pages for more information on what kinds of pages are acceptable. If selling a product or service doesn’t appeal to you, you might consider blogging.

Blogging initially meant web log but has gradually come into its own. There are as many different kinds of blogs as there are blogs themselves. A blog can be like a cyberjournal in that you make daily “journal” entries or it can be more like a newsletter set up to inform or communicate with other people. There are several blogging sites in cyberspace that will allow you to create your own blog pages and have targeted Google Adsense ads running on them.

A few of the most popular :


You can also search for an extensive list of blogs. Not all of these carry Google Adsense ads and if you’re going to write a blog you may as well make some money at it. Look around and you’ll find the perfect site for your Google Adsense ads to nest.

How to Promote Your Blog When You Are Using it to Earn Google Adsense Dollars

Promote your site or blog. You could write the great American novel and if there’s little or no traffic to your site, you won’t make any money. Not only that, but no one will know what a great writer you are.

There’s several ways to promote your blog.

– Include the URL in your email signature. Now you’ve just invited everyone you email to read your blog.
– Link to other sites and ask the webmasters to link to yours. Network!
– Read other blogs and notice who is getting the most reads and comments. What are they writing about?
– Comment on other people’s blogs but only if it is sincere. This will increase your overall traffic as you will pique others’ curiosity and they will want to read your blogs.
– Write a newsletter and offer a free email subscription to your blog.
– Put a Referral button on your site.
– Put an Adsense for Search button on your site.

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