Using RSS in Affiliate Marketing

It is a fact that the success of affiliate marketing depends on the traffic to your website. More traffic is always considered to be a symbol of more sales. Here we will discuss RSS, which is one of the biggest factors for increasing traffic to your website.

RSS is a very popular technique used to get more traffic and is among the top ten techniques to improve ratings. It is a fact that most of the internet users are in hurry and they want to save time. They like to do scanning instead of reading. So RSS is especially for those visitors, they would surely get its benefits.

How does RSS increase traffic to my website?
If you use RSS, then you will notice an increase in your traffic in the following ways.

RSS improves search engine rankings

First of all, RSS will enable you to get higher search engine rankings. This will result in more traffic to your website. If you want to get even better results, you should setup a blogger on your main domain. This will result in adding thousands of users per month to your website.

RSS builds relationships and trust

Using RSS, you can get the trust of visitors successfully. If someone visits your website and is impressed by the contents you are offering, he will add your RSS in his reader or aggregator. Although he has not given you his email address, he has added your RSS. Now he can look at your headlines everyday and whenever he sees some interesting news he will visit your website. In this way, RSS will help you to get returning visitors. After some visits, it is likely he will give you his email address. This is how the RSS is building the trust and relationship between your website and visitors.

RSS is a powerful alternative to email marketing

People who search for information on the web are generally busy and impatient.
Using email marketing (which is still effective), you are required to get the name and email address of the user, and you can send them your e-courses along with the advertising messages. But this is only possible if you can get their email address.
It is the fact that email marketing is an effective way of promoting your products. But people are sometimes hesitant in giving their email address to a new website. Many websites gather the emails of their visitors and then sell them in the market. This results in spam being sent to the visitor’s email address. Nobody likes this so they try to avoid giving their email address to a new website.
You may lose the majority of your visitors if you are not using RSS. As you know, using RSS, you can promote your website without even knowing the email addresses of your visitors. RSS can be considered as an alternative to email marketing.


RSS has become a very useful marketing technique. If you want to dominate your niche, then you must use RSS technology to make this happen. As we all now that RSS reader allows visitors to quickly see new content appearing on the website, and whether visitors like it or not, you always have an opportunity to get his attention, encouraging him to click your web page.

RSS is more effective than email marketing. In email marketing, getting the emails of users is a difficult task. Also it is not guaranteed that the user will read your email. But in the case of RSS, there are no such requirements and the user is always updated with the new contents that are offered on your website even without visiting your site. This builds a hidden relationship with your user. If you are updating your website with useful content, this hidden relation may convert into a business relation.

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