Video Blogging And Visitor Interaction

Want the world to know that you are the top grosser in stock trading at the end of the day? Or you want to announce that your Dalmatian has now eleven cute puppies? Or you just want the world to witness your memorable marriage proposal to your boyfriend or girlfriend? If you want, then video blogging is what you need.

So what is video blogging and why is it one of the hottest activities in the Internet?

Blog Basics

To fully understand what video blogging is, let us first discuss what a blog is. Basically, it is an online journal where you can place your thoughts, ideas, opinions—in other words, anything that people want to know about a particular thing. It comes in different formats, styles, and settings; it depends on your preference.

You can post such blogs on a blogging site. This allows you to post blogs and at the same time customizing it according to your preference. One of the latest additions is video blogging.

What is Video Blogging?

Video blogging, also called vblogging or vlogging is posting of sequential videos to a certain website. For instance, you want to post your weekly mountain climbing adventure with your friends. You can do so using video blogging. In addition, bloggers uses video blogging to create their own mini-programs through RSS feed to deliver new episodes automatically.

You might ask why plenty of people now prefer video blogs rather than the regular blog. One reason is that you can not express all in a regular blog. How will you translate in words your facial expression or the tone of your voice through words? If you want to shout for joy, how can words interpret it? It is a matter of showing everybody the real you in video blog.

In addition, it is an excellent tool in delivering indescribable content. For instance, you watched the dramatic baseball game between two top teams in the league and you want to share it with your viewers. With video blogging, you will be able to catch the action and deliver it to them and not just described it in words.

Video blogging can also serve as a bridge between your loved ones. Just imagine how your parents will be happy to see their first granddaughter or grandson in a video blog. If you are an aspiring broadcast journalist, a video blog may be your perfect opportunity.

Creating your Video Blog

Creating a video blog is much different from a regular blog. In regular blogging, you just have to encode the words in a regular post. But with video blogging, you need to gain access to a computer which can work with movie programs. In addition, you also need a camera that will shoot the video as well as snapping shots.

First thing to do is the creation of your digital video on your camera or digital camcorder. There are indefinite ways of putting your video blog together—you do not need to be a professional to do it. After you have created the video, download it into your computer in preparation for formatting and compressing it.

You can now use the movie program for editing such as video clip changes, creating titles or subtitles, and even add music to your video. Once it is completed, you will now be compressing it for uploading in your video blog. As you compressed the video, make sure that you monitor the predicted file size. Ideal compression size is no more than 5 megabytes. If you can compress it to 1 megabyte, much better. You do not have to worry about video quality; there is no video degradation between these ranges.

Once compression is completed, you are now ready to post it online. You can join a video blogging community where you can post your blog. Just a reminder: make sure that you have read the terms carefully. There are blogging communities that specify what video blogs they are accepting.

Let everybody know what you want to say, what you feel, or who you really are through video blogging.


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