Why video product creation is so easy today

If you have a camera phone and a computer, you can create a video product and distribute it on the Internet as free or paid content. Video podcasting is the simplest and least expensive way to create and distribute a video product on the Internet. Anyone with a broadband connection and some simple tools can create an Internet channel today to broadcast content to a potential audience of millions.

Produce your video
The easiest way to capture video content is to shoot it with a digital video camera or camera phone. If you want to create the highest quality, you can use a webcam. And if your digital still-camera has a recording feature, you can shoot video clips with it, too. If you have a Mac, you can use iMovie or Final Cut Pro to capture a video directly from your camera. If you have Windows XP or Vista on your PC, you already have all the basic video capture and editing software you’ll need, so you can get your feet wet without investing additional money in software. If you decide to invest in software, Adobe Premiere Pro is the best program to use to upload video to your computer.

The marketing power of viral video
The majority of video content on the Internet is transmitted virally and downloaded freely, so you may want to consider the advantages of producing viral videos as well as paid video content. Viral videos can dramatically increase traffic to your web site or blog. Popular viral videos featured on the YouTube homepage can bring millions of new visitors in just a few days to the site that the video links to.

Viral video is one of the most effective and powerful tools that you can use to increase traffic to your site. If you’ve designed your site to achieve a good conversion rate of visitors to sales, then you should always consider the creation of viral video content as one of your key marketing strategies. People come to your site because they liked one of your viral videos; when they visit your site, they find out about paid video downloads, eBooks, and other products and services you offer.

You can post your video content on YouTube and Google Video for free. Include your web site or blog URL at the beginning of the text description of your video. If viewers like it, their comments will achieve a high ranking for your video. When your ranking increases, you may find it featured on the YouTube home page. Other web sites and blogs will want to link to your video, individual viewers tell their friends about it, and then you have a popular viral video, which spreads over the Internet to an audience of millions. This can bring a dramatic increase in your traffic and sales.

Build your community of users first, talk to advertisers second. When you have more traffic, be sure that you know your demographics. When you know how many people are visiting your site-and something about them-you’re ready to show the figures to advertisers.